Tag: social engineering
HERZLICHEN GLÜCKWUNSCH – Sie haben gewonnen!
Über Social Engineering und wie man sich schützen kann. Jeder kennt E-Mails mit Titeln wie diesem. Eine wildfremde Person verspricht Gewinne in Millionenhöhe. Und alles, was dafür benötigt wird, sind ein paar persönliche Daten. Ein Traum vieler Menschen wird wahr und man will dem Titel glauben. Doch was passiert, wenn man der E-Mail nachgeht? Ist…
Social Engineering – Learn From the Best!
It isn’t always necessary to attack by technical means to collect information or to penetrate a system. In many cases, it’s more effective to exploit the human risk factor. To successfully protect yourself and your company from social engineering, you’ve to understand how a social engineer works. And the best way to do this is…
Social Engineering – Hacking the human OS
Abstract Nowadays, our secure systems are already sophisticated and perform well. In addition, research on subjects such as quantum computers ensures continuous improvement. However, even with a completely secure system, we humans pose the most significant threat. Social engineers prey on this to conduct illegal activities. For early detection and prevention, this paper deals with…