Tag: data protection
Cybersecurity Breaches
Sicherheitsrisiken im digitalen Zeitalter: Eine Analyse aktueller Cyberangriffe und ihre Implikationen Data Breaches sind eine zunehmende Bedrohung, bei der Hacker und Cyberkriminelle weltweit nach Möglichkeiten suchen, sensible Informationen zu stehlen. Die Motive für solche Angriffe umfassen finanzielle Gewinne, Prestige und Spionage. Laut dem Verizon Report von 2023 machen technische Schwachstellen nur etwa 8% aller Angriffsmethoden…
Palantir: An uncanny company?
In the future data privacy could be one of the biggest issues of our time with growing supervision capabilities from big enterprises and governments. China is a telling example of what could happen if data privacy and anonymity on the internet is completely eroded. On the other hand, there is also a big potential benefit…
Corona Warning App
In 2020 many things are different. People work and study from home, wear face masks and are facing restrictions in their fundamental rights. These measures and restrictions were taken to bring the global pandemic under control. More than 800.000 people have died as a result of Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) (25.08.2020). “Let’s build an app for it”…
DNS over HTTPS: One problem solved, but a bunch of new ones created…
In the course of attending the lecture “Secure Systems” I became aware of a blog post by Geoff Huston on how the Domain Name System (DNS) handles “no such domain name” (NXDOMAIN) responses and which possible attack vectors could result from this. His analysis showed how little effort is necessary to perform a Denial of…
Differential Privacy – Privacy-preserving data analysis
It is widely known that tech companies, like Apple or Google and their partners collect and analyse an increasing amount of information. This includes information about the person itself, their interaction and their communication. It happens because of seemingly good motives such as: Recommendation services: e.g. word suggestions on smartphone keyboard Customizing a product or…