Tag: docker compose
Docker security: Hands-on guide
Absichern von Docker Containern, durch die Nutzung von Best Practices in DockerFiles und Docker Compose. Einführung Es ist sehr wahrscheinlich im Alltag mit containerisierten Anwendungen in Berührung zu kommen, ohne sich dessen bewusst zu sein. In einer Zeit, in der sich der Trend der Unternehmen weiterhin stark in Richtung Cloud bewegt, gewinnen Container immer mehr…
Scaling a Basic Chat
Authors: Max Merz — merzmax.de, @MrMaxMerzMartin Bock — martin-bock.com, @martbock
How do you get a web application into the cloud?
by Dominik Ratzel (dr079) and Alischa Fritzsche (af094) For the lecture “Software Development for Cloud Computing”, we set ourselves the goal of exploring new things and gaining experience. We focused on one topic: “How do you get a web application into the cloud?”. In doing so, we took a closer look at Continuous Integration /…
Kubernetes: from Zero to Hero with Kompose, Minikube, k3sup and Helm — Part 2: Hands-On
This is part two of our series on how we designed and implemented a scalable, highly-available and fault-tolerant microservice-based Image Editor. This part depicts how we went from a basic Docker Compose setup to running our application on our own »bare-metal« Kubernetes cluster.
Kubernetes: from Zero to Hero with Kompose, Minikube, k3sup and Helm — Part 1: Design
This is part one of our series on how we designed and implemented a scalable, highly-available and fault-tolerant microservice-based Image Editor. The series covers the various design choices we made and the difficulties we faced during design and development of our system. It shows how we set up the scaling infrastructure with Kubernetes and what…