Tag: Twitter
Cybersecurity Breaches
Sicherheitsrisiken im digitalen Zeitalter: Eine Analyse aktueller Cyberangriffe und ihre Implikationen Data Breaches sind eine zunehmende Bedrohung, bei der Hacker und Cyberkriminelle weltweit nach Möglichkeiten suchen, sensible Informationen zu stehlen. Die Motive für solche Angriffe umfassen finanzielle Gewinne, Prestige und Spionage. Laut dem Verizon Report von 2023 machen technische Schwachstellen nur etwa 8% aller Angriffsmethoden…
How to Scale: Real-time Tweet Delivery Architecture at Twitter
There is a lot to say about Twitters infrastructure, storage and design decisions. Starting as a Ruby-on-Rails website Twitter has grown significantly over the years. With 145 million monetizable daily users (Q3 2019), 500 million tweets (2014) and almost 40 billion US dollar market capitalization (Q4 2020) Twitter is clearly high scale. The microblogging platform,…
Tweets by Donnie - Building a serverless sentiment analysis application with the twitter streaming API, Lambda and Kinesis
tweets-by-donnie dashboard Thinking of Trumps tweets it’s pretty obvious that they are controversial. Trying to gain insights of how controversial his tweets really are, we created tweets-by-donnie. “It’s freezing and snowing in New York — we need global warming!” Donald J. Trump You decide if it’s meant as a joke or not. But wouldn’t it be…