Category: Allgemein
Queueing Theory and Practice – OR: Crash Course in Queueing
What this blog entry is about The entry bases on the paper “The Essential Guide to Queueing Theory” written by Baron Schwartz at the company VividCortex which develops database monitoring tools.The paper provides a somewhat opinion-oriented overview on Queueing Theory in a relatively well understandable design. It tries to make many relations to every day…
Writing High Performance Code on Modern Hardware
Today, with the use of modern hardware combined with optimized high performant code, it is an easy task to process more than 500 million images per day on a single machine. Small improvements in the underlying implementations can have extreme large impacts on the execution time and are therefore fundamentally important to handle the huge…
Apache Kafka – The one Stream Processor to rule them all?
If there is one statement that can be made about the current developments in the realm of distributed systems, it would probably be how most developers are turning away from a centralised, monolithic architecture and move towards a microservice architecture. This type of architecture proved itself as much more flexible and robust for the modern…
A Dive into Serverless on the Basis of AWS Lambda
Hypes help to overlook the fact that tech is often reinventing the wheel, forcing developers to update applications and architecture accordingly in painful migrations. Besides Kubernetes one of those current hypes is Serverless computing. While everyone agrees that Serverless offers some advantages it also introduces many problems. The current trend also shows certain parallels to…
Improved Vulnerability Detection using Deep Representation Learning
Today’s software is more vulnerable to cyber attacks than ever before. The number of recorded vulnerabilities has almost constantly increased since the early 90s. The advantage of Deep Learning algorithms is that they can learn vulnerability patterns on their own and achieve a much better vulnerability detection performance. In this Blog-Post, I will present a…
Federated Learning
The world is enriched daily with the latest and most sophisticated achievements of Artificial Intelligence (AI). But one challenge that all new technologies need to take seriously is training time. With deep neural networks and the computing power available today, it is finally possible to perform the most complex analyses without need of pre-processing and…
About using Machine Learning to improve performance of Go programs
This Blogpost contains some thoughts on learning the sizes arrays, slices or maps are going to reach using Machine Learning (ML) to increase programs’ performances by allocating the necessary memory in advance instead of reallocating every time new elements are appended.
End-to-end Monitoring of Modern Cloud Applications
During the last semester and as part of my Master’s thesis, I worked at an automotive company on the development of a vehicle connectivity platform. Within my team I was assigned the task of monitoring, which turned out to be a lot more interesting but at the same time way more complex than I expected.…
Reproducibility in Machine Learning
The rise of Machine Learning has led to changes across all areas of computer science. From a very abstract point of view, heuristics are replaced by black-box machine-learning algorithms providing “better results”. But how do we actually quantify better results? ML-based solutions tend to focus more on absolute performance improvements (measured by metrics) instead of…
Experiences from breaking down a monolith (1)
Written by Verena Barth, Marcel Heisler, Florian Rupp, & Tim Tenckhoff The idea The search for a useful, simple application idea that could be realized within a semester project proved to be difficult. Our project was meant to be the base for several lectures and its development should familiarize us with new technologies and topics.…