Category: Scalable Systems
Entwickeln einer Edge-Anwendung mit Cloudflare
Einleitung Englisch spielt eine große Rolle in meinem Beruf und Alltag, doch immer noch passieren mir Grammatikfehler. Um meine Englischkenntnisse zu verbessern, habe ich eine kleine Webseite entwickelt, auf der das Schreiben von englischen Sätzen geübt werden kann. Dem Nutzer wird ein Satz präsentiert, der dann in die festgelegte Sprache übersetzt werden muss. Satzteile, die…
Guess What? We Built a Web Game with Firebase
What is more or less? “More or Less” is a guessing game where you guess which item has a higher value for a specific attribute. For example, in the “Commit Clash: Which GitHub repo has more commits?” mode, you see one GitHub repository’s commit count and another repository. You have to decide if the repository…
- Allgemein, Cloud Technologies, Databases, System Architecture, System Designs, Teaching and Learning, Web Performance
Cost-Efficient Server Structure: Merging Static and Dynamic API
While developing our guessing game, “More or Less”, we found a method to significantly reduce traffic on our serverless API, leading to cost savings and an improved content creation experience. The Problem In our game, players can contribute their own game modes, using the web editor. Additionally, we develop game modes ourselves to guarantee high-quality…
- Allgemein, Cloud Technologies, Databases, Scalable Systems, System Architecture, System Designs, Teaching and Learning, Web Performance
Optimizing List Views: Structuring Data Efficiently in Firestore
While developing our guessing game “More or Less”, we encountered a common challenge many developers face: determining the structure of our data model. Challenge 1: List vs. Detailed View Many websites show an excerpt of their content in a list view. In our “More or Less” game, for example, we see a series of game…
Splid 2.0 – Die Zukunft des gemeinsamen Ausgabenmanagements
Im Rahmen der Vorlesung “Software Development for Cloud Computing” haben wir uns dafür entschieden, einen Klon der App Splid auf Basis unterschiedlicher Cloud Technologien als Web App zu entwickeln, um uns so die Grundkenntnisse des Cloud Computings anzueignen. Projektidee Bei gemeinsamen Aktivitäten und Gruppenausgaben ist es sehr hilfreich, einfache und effiziente Tools zu haben, um…
- Cloud Technologies, Design Patterns, Secure Systems, System Architecture, System Designs, System Engineering
High Availability and Reliability in Cloud Computing: Ensuring Seamless Operation Despite the Threat of Black Swan Events
Introduction Nowadays cloud computing has become the backbone of many businesses, offering unparalleled flexibility, scalability and cost-effectiveness. According to O’Reilly’s Cloud Adoption report from 2021, more than 90% of organizations rely on the cloud to run their critical applications and services [1]. High availability and reliability of cloud computing systems has never been more important, as…
Grids are Dead – or are they?
Huge datasets – not enough computing power. What to do? Don’t worry! The supercomputer concept Grid Computing is here to save you! With the rise of cloud computing, fewer companies decide upon using Grid Computing – and even less know what the latter really is or how it can be used. What’s behind this matter?…
Evaluating Cloud Gaming Services: Uncovering Key Quality Factors with Engaging Examples
Introduction Cloud gaming services have gained significant traction in recent years. They allow users to play high-quality games without needing powerful hardware. This technology revolutionizes the gaming industry by enabling gamers to stream games on-demand, regardless of their device’s capabilities. One key benefit of cloud gaming is that it eliminates the need for downloading and…
Wie Ticketmaster Taylor Swift verärgerte und was Software Developer daraus lernen können
Verkaufsstarts für große Ereignisse wie Konzerte oder Sportveranstaltungen sind immer mit Spannung erwartete Ereignisse. Doch wenn es bei diesen Verkaufsstarts zu Problemen kommt, kann dies für Veranstalter und Kunden gleichermaßen ärgerlich sein. Ein bekanntes Beispiel hierfür ist das Debakel von Ticketmaster bei dem Verkauf von Taylor Swift Tickets für ihre “Eras Tour” letzten November. Aufgrund…
How Riot Games created their own internet
Riot Games is the developer of a number of big on- and offline games, most notably ‘League of Legends’. League of Legends is a real-time multiplayer online battle arena game, where two teams consisting of five players each fight one another. As the game is a fast past real-time game, split-second decisions can be the…