Category: Scalable Systems
How classical MMO-RPGs work, starring Final Fantasy XIV
Einleitung MMO-RPGs oder Massiv-Multi-Player-Role-Playing-Games standen schon lange vor Facebook, Twitter und Co. vor der Herausforderung ein System für möglicherweise Millionen von Usern zeitgleich zu designen, dass ein Concurrent Gameplay und eine Concurrent Gameworld ermöglicht. Doch wie konnten Spiele wie World of Warcraft, Everquest und Guild Wars diese Aufgabe ohne die Hilfe neuartiger Cloud- und Edge-Computing-Möglichkeiten…
How to scale an IoT-Platform
Written by Marvin Blessing, Michael Partes, Frederik Omlor, Nikolai Thees, Jan Tille, Simon Janik, Daniel Heinemann – for System Engineering And Management Introduction The aim of the project was to develop a system with which the power consumption of any socket in a household is determined and stored in real time and can be read…
AMD EPYC 9004 – a small scale supercomputer?
For a long time the server and desktop space was dominated by intel CPUs. AMD lacked severely behind the competition with its processors but changed everything up, when they launched their ZEN architecture processors in February 2017. Suddenly they started to compete on the consumer side of processors again and started to bring some competition…
AI and Scaling the Compute for the new Moore’s Law
AI and Scaling the Compute becomes more relevant as the strive for larger language models and general purpose AI continues. The future of the trend is unknown as the rate of doubling the compute outpaces Moore’s Law rate of every two year to a 3.4 month doubling. Introduction AI models have been rapidly growing in…
CDNs und die DSGVO
In Zeiten von weltweit verteilten großen Systemen im Internet und der überwiegend mobilen Bedienung von Webseiten ist die schnelle Datenübertragung an alle Orte auf der Welt ein entscheidendes Thema. Kein Deutscher Urlauber in Amerika möchte eine Ewigkeit auf die heißgeliebte online-Ausgabe der Bild-Zeitung länger als ein paar Sekunden warten. Und auch der durchschnittliche Facebook-Nutzer in…
Concurrent Game Play
Concurrent Game Play mit AWS am Beispiel des Videospiels “New World” Amazon Games veröffentlichte 2021 mit dem Videospiel New World ein Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG), das Amazon Web Services (AWS) für sämtliche serverseitigen Dienste nutzt. Trotz eher mittelmäßiger Rezensionen des Spiels mit durchschnittlich 3,2 von 5 Sternen auf der hauseigenen Amazon Webpage…
Google’s Spanner
A Question of Time and Causality TL;DR Through the usage of atomic clock and GPS in datacenters, Google is able to determine a worst-case clock drift that may develop between set intervals, after which the normal quartz clocks of the machines will be synced with the atomic clock. By already having a very good estimate…
- Allgemein, Scalable Systems, System Architecture, System Designs, System Engineering, Ultra Large Scale Systems
Fog Computing: Solving the limitations of Cloud and Edge Computing
Fog computing offers a compromise between cloud and edge computing for real-time, scalable data analysis. Ideal for regional applications and IoT. However, authentication and privacy issues must be addressed.
How Edge Computing is moving the Cloud closer to the User
Did you know clouds have sharp edges? What is Edge Computing? Let’s say you want to deploy a web application. In order to serve your app to your users, you need a server on which you can run your application.Traditionally, you had the option to either buy and run the server yourself in your own…
HyperRace – finding the right architecture approach for an online racing game
Introduction You all know racing games. From the realistic, simulated ones like Formula 1 or Forza Motorsport to the playful, arcade-heavy ones like Super Mario Kart or Need For Speed. The range is large, but somehow pretty standard. So we want to take it a little crazier. After all, who says that it always has…