Category: Student Projects
- Allgemein, Cloud Technologies, Games, Interactive Media, Scalable Systems, Student Projects, Ultra Large Scale Systems
Multiplayer Game with AWS | StadtLandFluss
Dieser Blogbeitrag soll einen Einblick in die Entwicklung unserer Webanwendung mit den unten definierten Funktionen geben sowie unsere Lösungsansätze, Herausforderungen und Probleme aufzeigen. Cloud Computing Vorlesung Ziel der Vorlesung “Software Development for Cloud Computing” ist es, aktuelle Cloud Technologien kennen zu lernen und diese im Rahmen von Übungen und kleinen Projekten anzuwenden. Unser Team hat…
Scaling a Basic Chat
Authors: Max Merz —, @MrMaxMerzMartin Bock —, @martbock
“Studidash” | A serverless web application
by Oliver Klein (ok061), Daniel Koch (dk119), Luis Bühler (lb159), Micha Huhn (mh334) Abstract You are probably familiar with the HdM SB-Funktionen. After nearly four semesters we were tired of the boring design and decided to give it a more modern look with a bit more functionality then it currently has. So we created “Studidash”…
🌱HydroPi🌱 – Damit auch du deinen Garten vom Sofa aus gießen kannst.
⚠️ Disclaimer Da das Projekt keinerlei Sicherheitsaspekte abdeckt, ist es aufgrund einer sehr hohen IT-Security Gefahr mit möglicherweise schweren Folgen nicht für die Nutzung außerhalb des eigenen Heimnetzwerkes ausgelegt. 🌱 Motivation Aus aktuellem Anlass in der Entwicklung von Smart Home Technologien existiert ein stetig wachsendes Interesse, auch in der eigenen Wohnung aktuelle Bequemlichkeiten wie Staubsaugerroboter,…
Project NewsDrop – Gaming News App for Android
How difficult is it to actually publish an Android application? We tried it out with our project “NewsDrop”, where we developed a gaming news app for end users. In this blog entry, you can read about the experiences on our journey. However, we couldn’t have imagined that it would be so challenging.
Getting Started with Cloud Computing – A COVID-19 Data Map
1. Abstract Are you searching for country-specific, up-to-date numbers and rates for the global pandemic caused by COVID-19? Well, then I got some bad news for you. You won’t find any in this blog post… not directly anyway. If you are looking for in-depth information about public APIs, location-based data visualization or cloud-based Node.js web…
- Allgemein, Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT and Language Models, Cloud Technologies, Student Projects
Generating audio from an article with Amazon Polly
Author: Silas Krause (sk295) Project Reading multiple and detailed articles can become a little bit tiring. Listening to the same content, on the other hand, is more comfortable, can be done while driving, and is less straining for the eyes.Therefore I decided to use this lecture to create a service that converts an article to…
Peer2Peer Multiplayer Real-time Strategy Game “Admiral: WW2”
3D Unity Peer-to-Peer Multiplayer Game Admiral: WW2
GDPR and Information Security: A practical guide for Startups and small businesses
Let me start with a story. My first contact with GDPR (general data protection regulation) and the topic of information security was during my bachelor throughout an app project. We had set ourselves the goal of uploading the app to Google Play Store by the end of the semester and were thus inevitably confronted with…
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