Category: Student Projects
Production Monitoring – Industry 4.0
When I was invited to a design thinking workshop of the summer school of Lucerne – University of Applied Sciences and Arts, I made my first experience with the end user interaction part of Industry 4.0. It was an awesome week with a lot of great people and made me interested in the whole Industry…
Experiences from breaking down a monolith (1)
Written by Verena Barth, Marcel Heisler, Florian Rupp, & Tim Tenckhoff The idea The search for a useful, simple application idea that could be realized within a semester project proved to be difficult. Our project was meant to be the base for several lectures and its development should familiarize us with new technologies and topics.…
Experiences from breaking down a monolith (2)
Written by Verena Barth, Marcel Heisler, Florian Rupp, & Tim Tenckhoff Architecture Besides earlier technological considerations, we primarily wanted to change the architecture of the initial project. The first approach was in spite of the applied software patterns and architectural concepts of the Web Application Architecture lecture constructed as a monolith. That means in fact,…
Observability?! – Where do we go from here?
The last two years in software development and operations have been characterized by the emerging idea of “observability”. The need for a novel concept guiding the efforts to control our systems arose from the accelerating paradigm changes driven by the need to scale and cloud native technologies. In contrast, the monitoring landscape stagnated and failed…
Building a Document Translator for a Multi-Language Blog
Motivation The idea for this project occurred to me while I was listening to my sister share her vision for her recently started blog: To create a platform where writers of different ethnicity can publish texts in their native languages and exchange their stories with people from all over the world. Conquering the language barrier…
Parsing all Open Source Elm Code
This project was originally inspired by a talk Felipe Hoffa gave at the Github Universe conference last year. He talked about how we can analyse the code hosted on Github at a large scale to learn interesting things. I’m always excited about learning new programming languages, at the moment my favourite new langue is Elm,…
Using the power of google cloud API: A dockerized node app counting words in prasentations.
For the Dev4Cloud lecture at HdM Stuttgart, we created a simple Go/NodeJS/React App, which helps people to keep track of often used words during presentations. In a presentation setting, most people tend to use too many fill words and to train against this, we want to introduce our presentation counter to you.
Web Performance Optimization for Continuous Deployment – Move fast and don’t lose performance
The performance of websites today is a decisive factor in how many users visit them and thus how much money can be earned from them. The impact of this fact is further enhanced by the widespread use of mobile devices and the speed of the mobile Internet. To counteract the development of heavyweight websites, web…
- Cloud Technologies, Scalable Systems, Student Projects, System Architecture, Ultra Large Scale Systems
Building a fully scalable architecture with AWS
What I learned in building the StateOfVeganism ? By now, we all know that news and media shape our viewson these discussed topics. Of course, this is different from person to person. Some might be influenced a little more than others, but there always is some opinion communicated. Considering this, it would be really interesting…
End user monitoring – Establish a basis to understand, operate and improve software systems
End user monitoring is crucial for operating and managing software systems safely and effectively. Beyond operations, monitoring constitutes a basic requirement to improve services based on facts instead of instincts. Thus, monitoring plays an important role in the lifecycle of every application. But implementing an effective monitoring solution is challenging due to the incredible velocity…