Category: Allgemein
How to build fault-tolerant software systems
A brief introduction to the fundamental concepts of Erlang and Elixir Ever since the first electronic systems have been created, engineers and developers have strived to provide solutions to guarantee their robustness and fault-tolerance. Thereof arose the understanding that developing and building a fault-tolerant system is not an easy task, because it requires a deep…
Spy Gadgets that the most people don’t know
From time to time there are reports in the media about spy cameras in hotels rooms or in Airbnb apartments. These cameras are used to spy the gusts. But there are other spy gadgets then cameras, there are gadgets to attack wireless connections or to collect all keystrokes of a system. In this article is…
Are Passwords for Web Authentication Obsolete? Leakage of Passwords and API-Keys and Possible Solutions
Hardly any service today works without an API that allows users to log in and then use features that are not available to unregistered users. To do this, the user can create an account that is password protected. Services such as the Google Maps API also provide access interfaces to allow application developers to easily…
Social Bots – An Attack on Democracy?
Election campaigns are increasingly carried out in social networks to influence voters. Social bots are being used for this purpose, which raises the question of how much influence they have on voters and whether they can even endanger a democracy. Furthermore, the question arises as to who can be held responsible for this and how…
Cryptomining Malware – How criminals use your devices to get wealthy!
Has your computer ever been slow and you couldn’t tell what the problem was? Nowadays, illicit cryptomining can cause those performance problems. It dethroned ransomware as the top cybersecurity threat in 2018. (Webroot Threat Report 2018) A simple website visit can start the mining process as a javascript running in the background of the browser…
The (in)security about speaker legitimacy detection
For the most of us, voices are a crucial part in our every-day communication. Whether we talk to other people over the phone or in real life, through different voices we’re able to distinguish our counterparts, convey different meanings with the same words, and – maybe most importantly – connect the voice we hear to…
Convenient internet voting using blockchain technology
Within this century the use of digital technology has probably never been as high and as convenient as of today. People use the internet to access encyclopedias, look up food recipes and share pictures of their pets. It doesn’t matter whether you are at home, standing in an aisle at the grocery store or even…
How does Tor work?
Written by Tim Tenckhoff – tt031 | Computer Science and Media 1. Introduction The mysterious dark part of the internet – hidden in depths of the world wide web, is well known as a lawless space for shady online drug deals or other criminal activities. But in times of continuous tracking on the Internet, personalized…
Progressive Web Apps – Wer braucht noch eine native App?
Beispiele zum Einstieg Progressive Web Apps sind schon weiter verbreitet wie man denkt. Auch große, innovative Unternehmen Twitter, Airbnb, Spotify oder Tinder setzen auf Progressive Web Apps. Abb. 1: Eine Auswahl von Progressive Web Apps [1] Wer sich ein tolles Beispiel anschauen möchte, dem empfehle ich (auf mobile) zu testen. Nach einiger Zeit erscheint…
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