Category: Scalable Systems
Attempts at automating the build process of a .NET WPF application with GitLab’s CI/CD pipeline
(Originally written for System Engineering and Management in 02/2020)
IPFS: the InterPlanetary File System demystified
In this article we will explore IPFS, the InterPlanetary File System. IPFS is a system for storing and accessing files, websites and other kinds of data — just as the Web we enjoy using every day — but unlike the Web, IPFS is peer-to-peer based and automatically distributes its content across the network.
Using Gitlab to set up a CI/CD workflow for an Android App from scratch
Tim Landenberger (tl061) Johannes Mauthe (jm130) Maximilian Narr (mn066) This blog post aims to provide an overview about how to setup a decent CI/CD workflow for an android app with the capabilities of Gitlab. The blog post has been written for Gitlab Ultimate. Nevertheless, most features are also available in the free edition. The goal…
How to increase robustness of a large scale system by testing
When a distributed software system grows bigger and bigger, one will end up with a big amount of various components which all need to scale independently. In order to achieve these components working smooth together, it is necessary to figure out at which time a component needs to be scaled, to avoid having one component…
Setting up a CI/CD pipeline in Gitlab
Introduction For all my university software projects, I use the HdM Gitlab instance for version control. But Gitlab offers much more such as easy and good ways to operate a pipeline. In this article, I will show how we can use the CI/CD functionality in a university project to perform automated testing and an automated…
Using Google’s Cloud Vision API to create a Receipt Analyzer
Everyone knows the problem of keeping track of expenses. Many applications offer an overview of all expenses, but entering all data individually can be quite time-consuming. To overcome this task, we have developed SWAI, ‘A Scanner with A.I.’.
Convenient internet voting using blockchain technology
Within this century the use of digital technology has probably never been as high and as convenient as of today. People use the internet to access encyclopedias, look up food recipes and share pictures of their pets. It doesn’t matter whether you are at home, standing in an aisle at the grocery store or even…
Multiplayer TypeScript Application run on AWS Services
Daniel Knizia – dk100@hdm-stuttgart.deBenjamin Janzen – The project CatchMe is a location-based multiplayer game for mobile devices. The idea stems from the classic board game Scotland Yard, basically a modern version of hide & seek. You play in a group with up to 5 players outside, where on of the players gets to be…
Cloudbased Image Transformation
Introduction As part of the lecture „Software Development for Cloud Computing“, we had to come up with an idea for a cloud related project we’d like to work on. I had just heard about Artistic Style Transfer using Deep Neural Networks in our „Artificial Intelligence“ lecture, which inspired me to choose image transformation as my…
2 player Connect 4 in the cloud
Play Connect 4 here Annika Strauß – as324Julia Grimm – jg120Rebecca Westhäußer – rw044Daniel Fearn – cf056 Introduction As a group of four students with little to no knowledge of cloud computing our main goal was to come up with a simple project which would allow us to learn about the basics of software development…