Category: Scalable Systems
Why It’s So Easy to Hack Your Smart Home
Every day, new smart home accessories go online for the first time to join the Internet of Things. Many of them enjoy the unwarranted trust of their owners.
🌱HydroPi🌱 – Damit auch du deinen Garten vom Sofa aus gießen kannst.
⚠️ Disclaimer Da das Projekt keinerlei Sicherheitsaspekte abdeckt, ist es aufgrund einer sehr hohen IT-Security Gefahr mit möglicherweise schweren Folgen nicht für die Nutzung außerhalb des eigenen Heimnetzwerkes ausgelegt. 🌱 Motivation Aus aktuellem Anlass in der Entwicklung von Smart Home Technologien existiert ein stetig wachsendes Interesse, auch in der eigenen Wohnung aktuelle Bequemlichkeiten wie Staubsaugerroboter,…
Monitoring with the Elastic Stack
Netflix, stackoverflow and Linkedin are just a few of the companies activly using the Elastic Stack. Use cases include performance and security monitoring or log analytics. [1] The Elastic Stack consists of different products with the most popular ones being Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash and Beats. This article will introduce the different products and explain the…
Corona-Klassenzimmer: Ein Blick auf das Bildungsplattform-Chaos in Deutschland
Es vergeht kaum eine Schulwoche ohne Meldungen über Probleme mit Bildungsplattformen. Schauen wir uns das breite Feld in Deutschland also mal genauer an.
KISS, DRY ‘n SOLID — Yet another Kubernetes System built with Ansible and observed with Metrics Server on arm64
This blog post shows how a plain Kubernetes cluster is automatically created and configured on three arm64 devices using an orchestration tool called Ansible. The main focus relies on Ansible; other components that set up and configure the cluster are Docker, Kubernetes, Helm, NGINX, Metrics Server and Kubernetes Dashboard. Individual steps are covered more or…
Event-driven Architectures
Next to the powerful Request / Response architecture exists another architecture, the event-driven one. How this architecture works, where the differences to Request / Response systems are and how transactions can be realized will be part of this article.
How to Scale Jitsi Meet
In today’s world, video conferencing is getting more and more important – be it for learning, business events or social interaction in general. Most people use one of the big players like Zoom or Microsoft Teams, which both have their share of privacy issues. However, there is an alternative approach: self-hosting open-source software like Jitsi…
How to Scale: Real-time Tweet Delivery Architecture at Twitter
There is a lot to say about Twitters infrastructure, storage and design decisions. Starting as a Ruby-on-Rails website Twitter has grown significantly over the years. With 145 million monetizable daily users (Q3 2019), 500 million tweets (2014) and almost 40 billion US dollar market capitalization (Q4 2020) Twitter is clearly high scale. The microblogging platform,…
Industry 4.0 – Real time data visualization
As part of the lecture “System Engineering and Management”, we worked on a project in cooperation with IBM to visualize Industry 4.0 data in real time using a configuration-based approach. This project aims to avoid needing a web developer every time there is a modification in the data.
Energieversorgung als Ultra Large Scale System
Das Versorgernetz innerhalb von Deutschland ist mit dem europaweiten Stromnetz gekoppelt. Das europaweite Verbundnetz gilt als eine der größten Maschinen Europas und versorgt insgesamt rund 530 Millionen Menschen mit einer Stromfrequenz von 50 Hz. Die Energie, die dabei eingespeist wird, ist ein Technologiemix aus erneuerbaren Energiequellen und fossilen Brennstoffen. Derzeit besteht der Energiemix im Stromnetz zu…