Category: Allgemein
Server “less” Computing vs. Security
Summary about Serverless Computing with Security aspects.
Web Performance Optimization for Continuous Deployment – Move fast and don’t lose performance
The performance of websites today is a decisive factor in how many users visit them and thus how much money can be earned from them. The impact of this fact is further enhanced by the widespread use of mobile devices and the speed of the mobile Internet. To counteract the development of heavyweight websites, web…
End user monitoring – Establish a basis to understand, operate and improve software systems
End user monitoring is crucial for operating and managing software systems safely and effectively. Beyond operations, monitoring constitutes a basic requirement to improve services based on facts instead of instincts. Thus, monitoring plays an important role in the lifecycle of every application. But implementing an effective monitoring solution is challenging due to the incredible velocity…
CI/CD infrastructure: Choosing and setting up a server with Jenkins as Docker image
Related articles: ►Take Me Home – Project Overview ►Android SDK and emulator in Docker for testing ►Automated Unit- and GUI-Testing for Android in Jenkins ►Testing a MongoDB with NodeJS, Mocha and Mongoose This article will run you through the motivation for a continuous integration and delivery, choosing a corresponding tool and a server to run it…
Vulnerable Vehicles – Connected cars and their security issues
In times of the continuing Internet-of-things- and connectivity-hype, a connected variant of “the German’s favourite toy” cannot be absent. Modern cars, SUVs and lightweight trucks come with all kinds of connected features, from smartphone interface integration up to social media in the navigation system. But what about the security of these features? Is there a…
AIRA Voice Assistant – A proof of Concept in virtual reality
Motivation As part of the lecture “Software Development for Cloud Computing” we were looking for a solution, how a user can get basic assistance within our existing virtual reality game AIRA. The primary objective was a maximum of user-friendliness, while avoiding an interruption of the immersive gaming experience. It is also important to keep in…
VVS-Delay – AI in the Cloud
Introduction Howdy, Geeks! Ever frustrated by public transportation around Stuttgart? Managed to get up early just to find out your train to university or work is delayed… again? Yeah, we all know that! We wondered if we could get around this issue by connecting our alarm clock to some algorithms. So we would never ever…
Sport data stream processing on IBM Bluemix: Real Time Stream Processing Basics
New data is created every second. Just on Google the humans preform 40,000 search queries every second. By 2020 Forbes estimate 1.7 megabytes of new information will be created every second for every human on our planet. However, it is about collecting and exchanging data, which then can be used in many different ways. Equipment…
Wettersave – Realizing Weather Forecasts with Machine Learning
Introduction Since the internet boom a few years ago companies started to collect and save data in an almost aggressive way. But the huge amounts of data are actually useless if they are not used to gain new information with a higher value. I was always impressed by the way how easy statistical algorithms can…
Developing a Chat Server and Client in the Cloud
Introduction During the Lecture “Software Development for Cloud Computing” I decided to develop a Cloud based Chat Application with the help of IBM’s Bluemix. The Application consists of 3 separate Applications: Chat Server: Allows Clients to connect to it, manages the Chat-Channels/Users and relays messages sent from a client to the other clients in the…
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