Category: Scalable Systems
How to Scale Jitsi Meet
In today’s world, video conferencing is getting more and more important – be it for learning, business events or social interaction in general. Most people use one of the big players like Zoom or Microsoft Teams, which both have their share of privacy issues. However, there is an alternative approach: self-hosting open-source software like Jitsi…
How to Scale: Real-time Tweet Delivery Architecture at Twitter
There is a lot to say about Twitters infrastructure, storage and design decisions. Starting as a Ruby-on-Rails website Twitter has grown significantly over the years. With 145 million monetizable daily users (Q3 2019), 500 million tweets (2014) and almost 40 billion US dollar market capitalization (Q4 2020) Twitter is clearly high scale. The microblogging platform,…
Industry 4.0 – Real time data visualization
As part of the lecture “System Engineering and Management”, we worked on a project in cooperation with IBM to visualize Industry 4.0 data in real time using a configuration-based approach. This project aims to avoid needing a web developer every time there is a modification in the data.
Energieversorgung als Ultra Large Scale System
Das Versorgernetz innerhalb von Deutschland ist mit dem europaweiten Stromnetz gekoppelt. Das europaweite Verbundnetz gilt als eine der größten Maschinen Europas und versorgt insgesamt rund 530 Millionen Menschen mit einer Stromfrequenz von 50 Hz. Die Energie, die dabei eingespeist wird, ist ein Technologiemix aus erneuerbaren Energiequellen und fossilen Brennstoffen. Derzeit besteht der Energiemix im Stromnetz zu…
Migrating from Heroku to Hetzner: Achieving Scalability with Docker, Kubernetes and Rancher
Dockerizing an existing application and deploying it in a Kubernetes Cluster via Rancher to achieve better scalability and cost minimization. Load Testing with Artillery, Monitoring with Prometheus & Grafana and GitHub Actions for CI/CD were used in the process.
Getting Started with Cloud Computing – A COVID-19 Data Map
1. Abstract Are you searching for country-specific, up-to-date numbers and rates for the global pandemic caused by COVID-19? Well, then I got some bad news for you. You won’t find any in this blog post… not directly anyway. If you are looking for in-depth information about public APIs, location-based data visualization or cloud-based Node.js web…
- Allgemein, Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT and Language Models, Cloud Technologies, Student Projects
Generating audio from an article with Amazon Polly
Author: Silas Krause (sk295) Project Reading multiple and detailed articles can become a little bit tiring. Listening to the same content, on the other hand, is more comfortable, can be done while driving, and is less straining for the eyes.Therefore I decided to use this lecture to create a service that converts an article to…
A beginners approach at a cloud backed browser game
Foreword: This article reflects my experiences while developing a real time browser-based game. The game of choice was Tic-Tac-Toe as it is straight forward to implement and does not have complex game mechanics. The following paragraphs explain my experiences I got while developing this game with a cloud-based infrastructure in mind. The article is not…
1. Introduction If you listen frequently to podcasts you were probably at least once in the situation where you could not really remember where you heard that one line or sentence. Then you really want to be able to just google it only to find out that this exact podcast didn’t offer a transcription, because…
Admin Panel (Web App) in der AWS Cloud
1. Einleitung Im Rahmen der Vorlesung „Software Development for Cloud Computing“ haben wir uns als Gruppe dazu entschieden aufbauend auf teilweise bereits vorhandener Codebasis an einem Startup-Projekt weiterzuarbeiten. Der Hauptfokus lag bei uns auf dem Ausbau von DevOps-Aspekten und auf dem eines stabilen und sicheren Systems, welches auch in der Production-Environment eingesetzt werden kann. Bei…
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